grand awards


THE bigGEST ideas.


We are excited to announce the inaugural Patient Safety Technology Challenge Grand Awards bringing together the creativity from dozens of competitions and hundreds of innovators from across the world! This competition is funded by the Jewish Healthcare Foundation and administered by the Pittsburgh Regional Health Initiative.

All participants* of past Patient Safety Technology Challenge sponsored competitions are invited to compete for a new prize pool of $25,000 cash!

This hybrid competition engages all teams that have participated in one of the competitions sponsored by the Patient Safety Technology Challenge between September 2022 and June 2024.

One team member from each of the selected six finalist teams will receive a travel & accommodation stipend to travel to Las Vegas, Nevada to pitch on-stage at CES® on January 9, 2025 in front of a live audience of innovators, investors, and consumers. The rest of the team will also be granted free tickets to attend CES® 2025. 

Eureka Park at CES® is their startup arena; in 2024, over 1,400 startups showcased their products, services, and ideas. Finalists are invited to exhibit inside of the Patient Safety Technology Challenge booth next to the Startup Stage giving each team unparalleled access to attendees at CES® to showcase their idea and help propel their idea forward.  

Three of the six teams will take a piece of the $25,000 prize pool. The cash prizes will be split across three categories of innovations:  

  • Best Idea  

  • Best in Development  

  • Best in Growth 

 The three runners up will take home a trophy and an unforgettable experience exhibiting at CES®.  

Whether your team had put a pin in your idea, or you’ve been working tirelessly since we met you, we invite you to submit your innovative tech-enabled patient safety solution in this competition. 

Idea Stage

Who should participate? 

Eligible* teams with a promising concept or early-stage idea. Participants from early-stage innovation competitions (e.g. hackathons and pitch competitions) who have innovative ideas but may not have a fully developed product or business model yet. 


  • Originality and creativity of the idea. 

  • Potential market need and problem-solving capability. 

  • Preliminary research.

Opportunities at CES®

  • Idea pitching.

  • Mockup and early prototype demonstrations (if available). 

Development Stage

Who should participate? 

Eligible* teams with a working prototype or Minimum Viable Product (MVP). Participants who have progressed beyond the concept phase and have started development. 


  • Functionality and usability of the prototype/MVP. 

  • Technical feasibility and innovation. 

  • Initial customer feedback or pilot testing results. 

Opportunities at CES®

  • Demo presentations of the MVP. 

  • Technical and user experience evaluations. 

  • Business model and go-to-market strategy presentations. 

Growth Stage

Who should participate? 

Eligible* start-ups with a market-ready product. Participants who are launching/have launched their product and are seeking growth opportunities. 


  • Market traction and user base growth. 

  • Revenue generation or funding received. 

  • Scalability and business sustainability. 

Opportunities at CES®

  • Business performance presentations. 

  • Networking with investors and potential partners. 

The Grand Awards are Sponsored by:

Are you interested in sponsoring the Patient Safety Technology Challenge Grand Awards at CES® 2025? Please email Ariana Longley at to learn about the sponsorship opportunities.

*Eligibility Criteria 

This competition is only open to teams that: 

  1. Have one or more team members over 21 years of age that can travel to Las Vegas if the team makes it to the finals,  

  2. Have participated in Patient Safety Technology Challenge-sponsored events (full list here), AND 

  3. Competed for a patient safety prize sponsored by Patient Safety Technology Challenge.  

Teams that are not eligible include:

  1. Teams that have raised more than $1,000,000 USD from outside investors

  2. Student teams with faculty on their team.

If you are not eligible for this competition but are interested in competing in future events sponsored by the Patient Safety Technology Challenge, check out what we have on the horizon


Judges will represent patient safety and technology experts. To remain neutral, PRHI staff will not judge the competition. Additional judging criteria will be posted soon.

Dates and Deadlines 

The first four stages of the competition will take place virtually. The Patient Safety Technology Challenge Grand Awards ceremony will take place in-person at CES® in Las Vegas on January 9 at 11:00am PT on the Startup Stage of Eureka Park at The Venetian. 

**It is mandatory for one team member from each of the six finalist teams to attend CES® in-person arriving at the latest on Wednesday, January 8 and leaving on Friday, January 10. Before applying, please ensure that one team member will be able to attend. If work or school commitments prevent at minimum one team member from attending, you will be disqualified. Please see more below about what costs Patient Safety Technology Challenge will cover for finalists. 
All dates listed below are subject to change. 

Covered Costs

To make it accessible for all teams, the Patient Safety Technology Challenge will secure a hotel room for one member of each team at Treasure Island across from where CES® is being held on the nights of Wednesday, January 8 and Thursday, January 9.  (The finalist staying at the hotel will be responsible for putting down a hold on their credit card of $100/night for incidentals which will be refunded if there are no room charges.)

Transportation to CES® will be reimbursed for one traveling team member from each team, up to $500 total provided the original copy of the receipt is submitted by February 10, 2025.

Incidental expenses (parking, ground transportation, meals) up to $65 per day for the three days of travel for one traveling team member from each team, will be reimbursed provided all original copies of the receipt are submitted by February 10, 2025. 

The Application of intent is now closed

Grand Award FAQs

I got an invitation, but I don’t see the competition I participated in listed on the application. Is there a list I can review to confirm my eligibility?

Yes, the dropdown list on the application is very long, so we put together this webpage to show how it’s listed in our system. This list should match the dropdown in the application. If you have further questions, please email Ariana Longley.

I recently graduated, am I still eligible to apply for this competition?

Yes, you are still eligible. You should pick “Professional” under the Innovator Type on the Application of Interest.

I am currently an undergraduate student but will be a graduate student at the time of the final pitch at CES®, what should I mark on the application as Innovator Type?

We suggest marking what you’ll be if you were to become a finalist.

We believe we can make some progress between the application deadlines, what should we mark as our “Innovation Stage?”

We suggest marking where you are at the moment for this question. Since making progress innovating isn’t always as easy or definite as something like a graduation (see question above) that’s why we suggest marking where your team is now, not where you plan to be.

Our team members have changed. Can we still apply?

Yes, you may still apply. In the application of intent, please list the current team members. In the full application for teams that advance to the quarterfinals, you will be given an attestation, meaning you’ll need to assure us that if team members have left, they’ve given you permission to proceed without them.

The only restriction limiting eligibility is around having faculty on student teams which is not allowed.

What if no one from our team can attend CES® January 8-10, 2025?

Respectfully, please do not apply. There will be no exceptions granted.

We hope as a competitor you understand that the draw of this competition is getting to pitch live on-stage at CES®, being invited to exhibit in the Patient Safety Technology Challenge booth in Eureka Park, and the opportunity to network live.

Please keep in mind that this is a competitive application process, so if you know that no one from your team can attend to pitch at the event, please don’t take the spot of another team that is able to attend in person.

What if our team has pivoted our project since we first competed?

We understand that as you spend time on a project and start doing customer discovery, your idea might evolve. Our intention is to fund the best tech-enabled patient safety solutions, period. If you feel like this isn’t where your team’s project is going, you ought not apply.

If the project you originally competed with has evolved to a different patient safety-focused tech solution, that is OK. Please make sure that in the full application you share what has changed and how your project still relates to safety.

Can I submit a patient safety innovation I came up with that was not sponsored by The Patient Safety Technology Challenge?

No, this competition explicitly intends to bring innovators from past sponsored events to build momentum and encourage them to keep developing the ideas we saw them present when we met them.

Are there any travel restrictions?

No, we welcome any team member who is able to travel to Las Vegas, over the age of 21, with valid travel documents.

What kind of costs are covered for our team member who travels to Las Vegas for the finals?

The Patient Safety Technology Challenge will secure a hotel room for one member of each team at Treasure Island which is across the street from where CES® is being held at The Venetian Expo for the nights of Wednesday, January 8 and Thursday, January 9. If that team member wishes to come to Las Vegas early or stay later, they will be responsible for securing and paying for their own hotel rooms. (There is a $100 hold on the hotel room per night that will require the individual staying at the hotel to put down a credit card at check-in; this is for incidentals and will be refunded if there are no room charges.)

Incidental expenses (parking, ground transportation, meals) up to $65 per day for the three days of travel for the one traveling team member from each team, will be reimbursed provided all original copies of the receipt are submitted by February 10, 2025. Any receipts submitted over the $65 per day limit will be denied.

One team member from the finalist team over the age of 21 will receive reimbursement of up to $500 to cover transportation to Las Vegas. This could be by car, bus, plane, or train. The finalist will book their own travel and will submit an original copy of the receipt to be reimbursed after the event. The deadline for submitting the receipt is February 10, 2025.

What types of innovations are eligible for this competition?

We are looking to advance novel technological solutions that address a leading patient safety problem anywhere along the continuum of care framed around five problem categories: medications, procedural/surgical, patient care, infections and diagnostic safety. This includes software and hardware innovations. We are not interested in funding process innovations that do not include a technological aspect.

Will a judging rubric for the full application be posted?

Yes, we plan to share details about how the full application will be judged. Check back for more information.

Other Questions?

For more information, please contact Ariana Longley,